in the Rainy Lake watershed. In partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and the Nature Conservancy of Canada, the Rainy Lake Conservancy sponsored the first systematic life science inventory on the Canadian side of Rainy Lake. The research was funded by these partners and the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Northern Bioscience from Thunder Bay, Ontario, conducted the inventory.
"Little was known of the natural heritage of Rainy Lake. Despite its large size and prominence on the US - Canada border, the flora and fauna of the US and Canadian sides had never been thoroughly catalogued. Biological inventory work on Rainy Lake is needed to support conservation of rare species, vegetation communities, and wetlands. These data can be used to encourage stewardship of natural heritage features by government, private landowners and others. This information could also be used to highlight the potential impacts of water level regulation, shoreline development and increased recreation use." From "Rainy Lake Life Science Inventory," Northern Bioscience, p.1.
After the 2002 Biodiversity Inventory of Rainy Lake was finished, members of the Conservancy designed and printed a summary of this work in the form of a two-side poster. One side showcases some of the rare flowers found in the watershed, and the other side introduces some of the provincially rare and endangered species discovered on Rainy Lake.
Some results of the "Rainy Lake Life Science Inventory" indicate that, "Rainy Lake is home to a diversity of plant and animal species representative of the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence and boreal forest regions. A total of 21 species of provincially rare plants, two significant nesting bird species, and eight provincially rare insects inhabit the lakeshore. Significant habitats include sand beaches, old growth red and white pine stands, and south facing rocky slopes with oak savannah and prairie vegetation." From "Rainy Lake Life Science Inventory," Northern Bioscience, p.39.
The "Rainy Lake Life Science Research" can be downloaded in PDF format.
Biologists continue to conduct inventories of the flora and fauna on sites slated for conservation easements or land donations.
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