

The Rainy Lake Conservancy...

has produced a few publications and, in addition, distributes materials produced by other organizations. Here are three of the Conservancy's publications.

2024 AGM Presentation:

Dr. Michael Rennie, Canada Research Chair in Freshwater Ecology and Fisheries at Lakehead University, was guest speaker at the 2024 Annual General Meeting. Dr. Rennie talked about the Walleye fishery in Northwestern Ontario. He touched on stresses posed by climate change, fishing, and species invasion, but focused mainly on the potential role of the spiny water flea in the long-term changes of Northwestern Ontario Walleye populations. Most people around here know what walleyes are! We either love to catch them and/or eat them, so learning more about their future from an expert is bound to be interesting. 

Rainy Lake Conservancy Fact Sheet


The RLC publication called A Century of Wilderness Preservation is a reader-friendly timeline of the 100-year history of the conservation movement on the Minnesota/Ontario border including Rainy Lake and the Quetico-Superior region.


After the 2002 Biodiversity Inventory of Rainy Lake was finished, members of the Conservancy designed and printed a summary of this work in the form of a two-side poster. One side showcases some of the rare flowers found in the watershed, and the other side introduces some of the provincially rare and endangered species discovered on Rainy Lake. A complete copy of the 2002 Inventory is available for download in the Resource Material section of this website.

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