The following materials are used with permission from copyright owners and/or producers who retain all intellectual property rights to their work. Reprinting for any reason other than your own personal use is strictly prohibited.
Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Binational Lake Association Network Event, 2015
The report of the 2015 Binational Rainy-Lake of the Woods Lake Association Network event. Details the location, role and common concerns of the forty-six property and conservation associations situated in the watershed.
Rainy-Lake of the Woods: State of the Basin Report, Lake of the Woods Sustainability Foundation, 2014
The report is a comprehensive synthesis of what is known about the aquatic ecology in the binational Rainy-Lake of the Woods basin. It provides details on a wide range of topics, including: drainage basin characteristics, water chemistry, nutrients and harmful algal blooms, biotic communities, aquatic invasive species, emerging threats and an overview of the information gaps and monitoring needs.
Map of the Watershed of the Lake of the Woods, 1928
This map was issued by the International Joint Commission in 1928. It was compiled from maps of the Department of the Interior, Canada, and the map of the State of Minnesota dated 1912 by the USGS. It is titled "Watershed of the Lake of the Woods." Its stated purpose was "to accompany Report of Engineers relating to the investigation of the levels of Rainy Lake and other upper boundary waters." This is a beautifully detailed, high resolution image.
International Joint Commission, Rainy Lake Reference, 1934
This 83-page document is the original Final Report of the International Joint Commission on the Rainy Lake watershed, from Washington and Ottawa, dated 1934. It is filled with technical and historical information including watershed facts, public hearings, and regional history.
Hooking Mortality of Walleye From Deep Water
This chart prepared by the Minnesota DNR gives the relationship of capture depth and predicted mortality of walleye, based on experiments at Rainy Lake.
Rainy Lake on the Map (1688 to 1875)
By Paul A. Anderson with the assistance of Stephen Challis and Merv Ahrens.
This 32-page document traces the history of mapping Rainy Lake in a series of 16 historical maps dating from 1688 to 1875.
July, 2009
To Fizz or not to Fizz
By Vivian Nguyen, Marie-Ange Gravel, and Steven J. Cooke.
Sponsored by the Rainy Lake Charity Fisheries Trust, this study addresses the post-release behavior and fate of tournament-caught smallmouth bass after “fizzing” to alleviate distended swim bladder.
Released December, 2008
A Population Assessment of Lake Sturgeon in the Namakan River, Ontario
By Darryl McLeod, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Fort Frances, Ontario.
A population assessment of adult lake sturgeon between Lady Rapids and Snake Falls on the Namakan River located approximately 80 km southeast of Fort Frances, Ontario. This comprehensive 42-page report contains many detailed charts and graphs.
December, 2008
Northwestern Ontario Wildlife Viewing Guide
From Ministry of Natural Resources, Northwest Region.
This 95-page guide tells readers what types of wildlife can be seen in Northwestern Ontario and where to see them in their natural habitat. It provides information on habitat, viewing tips and considerations to enhance wildlife viewing opportunities.
2007 Lake Sturgeon population, Little Eva Lake, Ontario
By Darryl McLeod, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Fort Frances, Ontario.
The specific objective of this study was to estimate the over-wintering population size and density of lake sturgeon, and contribute to the assessment of potential impacts of hydro-electric development on the Namakan River. October, 2008.
2002 Rainy Lake Life Science Inventory
From Northern Bioscience in Thunder Bay , Ontario.
Sponsored by the Rainy Lake Conservancy, this is the first systematic biodiversity inventory of the Canadian side of Rainy Lake
The Water's Edge
From Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
A booklet exploring ways to help fish and wildlife on your lakeshore property
Loving Your Lake
This article by Steve McComas has "ten tips for keeping your lake clean and healthy - forever."
Take a Kid Fishing
From Ministry of Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife Branch.
A how-to booklet for creating a shared fishing experience with a kid.
Aquatic Synthesis for Voyageurs National Park
From US Department of the Interior, US Geologic Survey.
A synthesis providing a complete and integrated account of what is known about the aquatic ecosystem of VNP, including the entire Rainy Lake and Namakan Reservoir basins.
Give Your Shoreline a Make-Over
From the Living By Water Project.
A poster example of what makes a good shoreline and what makes a bad shoreline.
Copyright owners give permission to use this poster as long as it is used for public education purposes.
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